Monday, September 17, 2018

Is freemasonry demonic, and should a Christian be one?


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in HIm should not perish but have Everlasting Life.  For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." - St. John 3:16-17

"…11 Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself." - Ephesians 5:11-13


     Some 24 years ago I made a decision which I regret as with every sin I've ever done, without the proper understanding and I decided to join a predominantly African American fraternity.  I didn't see through my sinfulness and youth the foolishness of joining such an organization where one initiation right known as "Hell Week" would be followed up with what would be called "crossing the burning sands".  I say this to say that we were told that we were taking an oath, and to some extent as with another fraternity that expresses the "street-hood" statement "those who don't know don't tell, and those who tell don't know", this leads me to believe that when you make the decision to join a fraternity, or if those who are not fully aware, Predominately African American College Greek Organizations are as "baby masons".


     Now I understand that there are a lot of predominate persons who are members of Greek Fraternities even some who are members of what is known as "Freemasonry".  Now I don't claim to know everything about College fraternities or freemasonry, but I do know that there are many ungodly, vile, and sinful things that are done in order to become a member of these said organizations.  I also understand that there are many Preachers and Pastors who are Mason's and or Greek Fraternity members, thus I am not by any means saying that these persons are not saved.  


     I'm in no way saying this is just an American thing, and believe me, I'm an American who loves my country or a better term might be to say "likes" my country, after the erroneous legalization of Homosexual marriage, millions of babies being aborted since the 1970's, prayer taken out of schools, and the NAME OF my LORD, GOD, and BEST FRIEND JESUS not being allowed to be spoken in prominent places for fear that one might lose their job, reputation, or so-called social status.  This my beloved friends is no different then in the Holy Bible the Book of the Acts of the Apostles of Jesus Christ, being told after they had suffered persecution for their devoted faith to our Beloved Master, being told that they could no longer teach, preach, or mention the Name of Jesus (Acts 5:28), and the rich getting richer, charging an enormous amount of interest every where you turn, unto the downtrodden, when the Holy Bible states that we shouldn't even charge interest.


     Also, as I heard one prominent preacher say, how can the new President of our beloved country take an oath on the Holy Bible when our Constitution came out of there, with our Holy Bible in Romans 1:26 stating that homosexuality is wrong.  With this upcoming election I'm not sure if I've sided with any party, therefore I choose to be in an Independent party.  However, at least Donald Trump is against Planned Parenthood and stands for Israel.  I read somewhere that one Senator wanted to divide Israel, the chiefest of the nations, as the Holy Bible declares.  


     However, the Holy Bible already has the Prophecy of Almighty JEHOVAH stating that Israel will "Never" be divided (Ezekiel 37:22), and I look forward to the day that all of America, and every Nation, Blessed by The Almighty with the Blessing of Abraham, because of Christ's Death, Burial, and Triumphant Third Day Resurrection, will repent and walk in love to those who don't know Christ, even terrorists, and lead them to the Saving Grace afforded all persons by way of the Son of God and His Death at Calvary, and His Resurrection.  God Bless!

This Blogpost was First Listed in 2017

The Salvation Prayer 
Dear LORD GOD, I confess I am a sinner in need of a Savior.  Your Word says in Romans 10:9 that if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead, I shall be saved.  I need you Jesus.  I confess and repent of all my sins, and ask you Jesus, by Your Holy Spirit, to come into my heart today, making me a born-again believer and child of God according to St. John Chapter 3:3.  Now please come into my heart and live in me and through me, baptizing me in the Holy Spirit, and all its fullness.  I now receive you forever Jesus as my Lord, Savior, and God (St. John 20:28), and know that I am eternally secure.  Thank you for saving me from hell, the lake of fire, and eternal separation from You, the Father, and the Precious Holy Ghost!  I Love You Jesus.  Help me, by your Holy Spirit, now living on the inside of me, to walk a walk pleasing to you in all obedience.  Thank You Heavenly Father, In Jesus Name. Amen

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